The last 24 hours

OK, what was your experience of the last 24 hours?The weather? Interactions with friends? Shopping? Work? Exercise? Relaxation?No doubt you participated in some if not all of these activities.Now imagine those 24 hours had been spent in Vanuatu – South Pacific...

Oh too personal lesson from Afganistan

The Afghan brother of one of our clients in Australia applied over a year ago for a Vanuatu permanent residency visa. But despite our reminders (and at times even pleading) he has not got his paperwork in order so we could get it processed.Now he's panicking. Now...

The negatives of Vanuatu

As promised, here are the “negatives” of Vanuatu, in no particular order…No personal income taxNo corporate income taxNo death duty (estate tax)No gift taxNo heavy-handed government “Big Brother”No “nanny state” attitudeNo...

No infectious cases here!

Did I tell you yet that although the pandemic has certainly affected Vanuatu economically, there are no actual cases of the virus in the country?So the borders were closed back in March 2020 or so. Since then only citizens and holders of permanent residency visas have...

Do you like making a difference?

Are you the kind of person who likes to “make a difference?”Then you may be interested in what happened to me this week…I was negotiating a deal with an Australian company representing one of America's largest credit card transaction...

Where would YOU want to be?

One of my work associates who also works for another company, lives in Canberra, the “Capital City” of Australia. Yesterday she said a 7-day lockdown was suddenly announced, so she was out to get groceries for the duration. But the traffic was...