by Lance Hunt | Sep 17, 2021
As I sit here on the beach in front of our house and watching my wife swimming in the ocean, I can see her bobbing about over the coral, observing fish. She particularly likes the little blue ones. As an artist she appreciates the wide scope of the different intense...
by Lance Hunt | Sep 16, 2021
Why do people decide to get a second residency or citizenship?Let's turn our attention for a moment (because I happen to have found a reliable source of information) to the American experience.One lady working in the Migration field has written of her experience...
by Lance Hunt | Sep 15, 2021
By now we've all been thoroughly convinced of the importance of having a solid and multi-faceted Plan B.Yes, the best time to form it would have been several years before the pandemic started, but the second best time is today.Tha main benefit of a good Plan B is...
by Lance Hunt | Sep 14, 2021
Seems like “Spring has sprung” today here in Vanuatu. Not that we actually have “seasons” as you know them. There's a longer warmer wetter period and a shorter cooler drier period. For some reason it's a bit like the fabled Camelot...
by Lance Hunt | Sep 13, 2021
Yesterday Adeline and I celebrated our wedding anniversary.Although there's a large selection of over 40 restaurants and resorts from which to choose in Port Vila alone (none requiring mask wearing!) and several within 5 minutes drive, we elected to stay home and...
by Lance Hunt | Sep 12, 2021
You've heard of the expression “jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.” Some people have unfortunately done this with their Plan B – mostly because it was more of a “Wish B” without enough forethought and planning.Like this one...