🏃️🏃‍♀️️ Escape hatch tune-up

My best friend is from Europe, and her family on her mother’s side are Jewish. Which means nearly half her family was wiped out in the Holocaust. However not all. Some Jews in the 30s and 40s escaped Europe in the face of the Nazi threat. Some of her family had...

Laid Back in Vanuatu

Yesterday on our day off, Adeline and I invited a friend over for lunch. While we sat on the patio enjoying the mild sunny Vanuatu day and the view of the water, our talk turned to the subject of citizenship. Our friend first came here for for a 6-month work...

Driving to drink?

 Let me relate the saga of getting my local Vanuatu driver licence.  I had been told I only needed my Australian Driver Licence and no tests, practical or theory, would be needed. So armed with my piece of plastic, I went hunting.  As it turned out this...