Driving to drink?

 Let me relate the saga of getting my local Vanuatu driver licence.  I had been told I only needed my Australian Driver Licence and no tests, practical or theory, would be needed. So armed with my piece of plastic, I went hunting.  As it turned out this...

🤝️ Holding hands in Vanuatu

Yesterday as I was driving in Port Vila I was reminded of something that has become “unremarkable” to me, but which was a culture shock when we arrived in Vanuatu 5 years ago. It was around the time shool gets out, and there were hundreds of children...

👣️ Savat, Slipper, Flip-flops, or Thongs?

I guess you’d call it the the “National Footwear of Vanuatu” What the Aussies call “thongs” and the Americans call “flip-flops” are known as “savat” or “slipper” here. Bislama doesn’t really have...

📜️Taking your Constitution(al)

Yesterday was “Constitution Day” in Vanuatu. I was not ready for it, as I work from my home office most of the time. Unless I look at a calendar of public holidays I only find out when I try to ring someone. But this holiday is a Big Deal here. It has a...

🐬️ on Dolphins in paradise

My wife Adeline and I have long taken Mondays off for ourselves… we spend the day together doing whatever pleases us on the day.Yesterday was one of those “just perfect” days when the sun was out, the sky and water blue, the wind and waves gentle,...