Don’t reinvent the wheel… reduce risk and move forward

Had a call from an Australian “merchant solution” provider today. (One of my Australian web development clients wanted a merchant account for processing online payments) While I had him on the line I explained the Vanuatu situation to him – which is...

The opposite of “woke”… is it “asleep”?

What's the opposite of “woke”? Would it be “asleep”?So in a country that's “asleep” there would be…* No “cancelling,”* People encouraged to work at something constructive* People congratulated when they...

How do you like them (pine)apples?

So I stop at a roadside market stall on my way into Port Vila. I want a pineapple.Bananas, Pamplimous, Passionfruit, Melons, Coconut, Naus, are on display. But no pineapples. I expressed disappointment to the lady behind the table, because my wife Adeline is...

The Sorry Mat

Yesterday I wrote about the laid-back attitude of people in Vanuatu (Ni-Vanuatu or Nivans), and how it makes for a peaceful society.Here in Vanuatu there are some interesting traditions that date back to before the first “western” explorers scoped out the...

How does a country react when it’s leaders are thrown out?

Something I have been drawn to about the Vanuatu culture, is their laid-back attitude.  Case in point: over recent weeks there has been this upheaval in the parliament.  The government side weren't getting something they wanted, and in protest a lot of government...