🍽 Anniversary meal choices

Yesterday Adeline and I celebrated our wedding anniversary.Although there's a large selection of over 40 restaurants and resorts from which to choose in Port Vila alone (none requiring mask wearing!) and several within 5 minutes drive, we elected to stay home and...

Be quick ⏩ but be careful ⏹

You've heard of the expression “jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.” Some people have unfortunately done this with their Plan B – mostly because it was more of a “Wish B” without enough forethought and planning.Like this one...

🛫 Over and above randomly moving about the globe 🛬

Today I want to talk to you on a different level, about CBI itself. We'll get to Vanautu further down. This will be longer than usual, and hopefully will make you think, so grab a cup of your favourite beverage and settle in….. Thoughts on CBIMany have seen...

Your situation and “normalcy bias”

Famous American writer Ernest Hemingway in his book “The Sun Also Rises” answers the question “How did you go bankrupt?” this way: “Gradually, then suddenly.”It's a great display of what psychologists call “normalcy bias”I found a good...