After a swim in the ocean in front of us, we had gone back indoors when there was a call of “Oo-oo” outside our door.

Not sure how to write that down. It's a 2-part call, higher pitch followed by lower pitch.

This call is a polite way to get someone's attention in Vanuatu when you visit their home. They do knock on doors, but not unless the call brings no response after a long respectful wait.

So I answered the door and there was a neighbour who had seen us swimming, and wanted to know if we were interested in buying some of his catch of fresh crayfish (lobster).

Were we? Yum! Of course!

So I offered him the vatu equivalent of about ten dollars US and we got 2 large and one small crays.

I popped two in the freezer and kept the other one out, We enjoyed it with garlic butter that night as the centrepiece of our evening meal.

I said if he caught more we would be interested. The neighbour explained he did not fish that often, and the moon had to be right to catch crayfish easily. Yes, even though this guy has a regular job in the city, he still knows the traditional tricks for living off the land – or in this case, the sea. And he's not averse to making a few extra vatu from his abundant catch.

Something most Nivans could relate to.

You know you are wanting or already have a Plan B – for somewhere to go when the Mother country starts acting a whole lot less motherly. (E.g. I saw Australia aptly described as “the world's largest prison” today)

Think about it – wouldn't it make sense to go to a place where the fresh crayfish are not only cheaply available but come to your door? So when you are ready to sample the delights of fresh crayfish (you can also order it in most restaurants here) book a consultation…

Lance in (seafood heaven) Vanuatu

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