You could already be missing out on...


The opportunity to lock in a better future for your family and yourself.


The scene of this world is changing, without letup.


Please, don't leave things up to chance… or worse yet, in the hands of others.


Once I got free myself, I created this business to help individuals and their families put off the shackles, find more opportunity, and achieve more of what they know they can do in their lives.


For example, I can show you exactly how to obtain a second passport or residency in Vanuatu. Then you are never locked down in one place.


Everybody's circumstances and needs are different of course. I can't help everyone. But I can help you discover through the stories and insights in these emails whether Vanuatu goes onto your "should consider" list.


You should also learn from the experiences of other people’s Plan B's and case studies that I sometimes mention.


I have had the please of helping people, probably just like you, find serenity in the midst of this turmoil and turn angst into abundance.


I will flag here and now that shortly my mobile app will be available to you, with videos, audio recordings, photos, articles... All designed to increase your understanding of Vanuatu as a Plan B destination, and make a confident decision whether it's right for you.


You don't have to wait of course: we have already been pre-processing applications to help our clients get across the line with their new purchased Vanuatu Citizenship Certificates and Passports for years now.


You already have enough stress, my service provides the reliable hand-holding that makes the process smooth for you.


Book here: https∶//


Lance (serving you better) in Vanuatu


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